
News  |  Dec 16, 2021  |  Anne Keener

Employee Spotlight: Mary Beth Weiss, Creative Director

1. How did you come to do what you do? Was this a lifelong goal?
From the time that I was a child I loved to draw and do anything that was creative. When I was in high school, which for me was a trade school where I studied mechanical drafting for four years, I took a test to help determine the best career path forward. The test results indicated that the perfect career for me was graphic design. Although I was awarded a full scholarship to study mechanical engineering when I graduated, I really wanted to do graphic design. I ended up in a two-year graphic design program at the local Community College and the rest is history!

2. What do you enjoy most about working in Marketing?
What I most enjoy about working in marketing is that I get to work on a large variety of projects and see how my contribution to the team impacts the growth and stability of the company that I work for.

3. What motivates you every day?
I think that human beings were designed to work and that we need to work for many more reasons than earning an income to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. I am motivated by a desire to please God in all that I do.

4. What makes you unique and different?
It’s a bit hard to answer this question without deferring to what others say about me. I have always been told that I am a hard worker with a strong work ethic, so I’ll go with that.

5. What are your favorite types of projects to work on?
I love making anything look pretty—but everyone in the marketing department knows that my favorite project of the year is the holiday greeting!

6. What are your future career goals?
As the company grows, I would like to expand my current role as creative director and hope to add more design staff that I can mentor.

7. What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?
I have learned that I can’t do it all alone! We need to work as a team to accomplish the work that needs to be completed in this quick-turnaround, deadline-oriented environment.

8. What do you enjoy the most about working at Arora?
I enjoy the team that I work with and appreciate how much we learn from each other!

9. Do you have a favorite memory from working at Arora?
My favorite memory from working at Arora is spending all night at the Atlanta airport shooting footage for a video. It was hard but rewarding work and my husband was the videographer so that made it fun!

10. Outside of work, what do you like to do for fun?
I would love to go see the Yankees whoop the Phillies at Citizen’s Bank Park like they did a few years ago on my birthday! (Sorry guys—my husband always says you can take the girl out of New York, but you can’t take the New York out of the girl…)


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