
News  |  Mar 03, 2021  |  Anne Keener

Employee Spotlight: Renee Siciliano, Contracts Manager

  • Renee Siciliano Spotlight

1. How did you come to do what you do? Was this a lifelong goal?
Roughly seven months after joining the Arora family, I was offered the opportunity to fill the role of Contracts Administrator. This was not a lifelong goal. In fact, I declined the offer the first time it was extended because I didn’t think I would enjoy spending most of the day reading contractual documents. After two unsuccessful attempts to fill the position with others, it was offered to me a second time. The position represented a promotion, and I knew that not having someone in the role was placing a burden on executive-level staff as they now had to add to their already full plates the task of reviewing contractual documents. I decided I didn’t have much to lose but had something to gain by giving the role of Contracts Manager a try. Three years later, here I am.

2. What do you enjoy most about your job? What motivates you?
The role is challenging! I have multiple contractual documents in various stages of review and negotiation. Keeping track of what is where requires focus, energy, and good organizational skills. It’s very satisfying each time I get a contract to execution. Most of my career has been spent working in various roles within Engineering Design firms. I can apply my past work experience to my current role and that experience helped make the transition to my current work a little easier. My current role has given me the opportunity to learn.

As to what motivates me, I enjoy being busy, working hard, and having productive workdays. Further, I get to work with many great people, both inside and outside of the Arora family. While we work hard and Arora’s work environment is very professional, we’re allowed to have some fun now and then. Executive Leadership expends some effort to plan meetings and activities that keep the staff abreast of the “state of the union” and allow the staff to get to know one another outside of work.

3. What makes you unique and different?
Tough question! The response to which may be better left to those who have had the opportunity to work with me.

4. What are your favorite types of projects to work on?
My favorite type of projects to work on are ones that take less than two hours in any given day so that I can move on to the next project and not stress as I watch new “to do” e-mails coming in for a landing in my e-mail box.

5. What are your future career goals?
I don’t have any set future career goals and would consider any opportunity that complements my lifestyle and for which I think my work experience and personal characteristics are a good match. When I reach retirement age, I’m not sure I see myself being totally unemployed, but maybe a part-time job like working at a pool hall (I’m an amateur, competitive pool player), or a hair salon as an assistant to the stylists or volunteering at an animal shelter would be fun.

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