
News  |  Nov 12, 2019  |  Arora

Employee Spotlight: Shania Ortiz

  • Employee Spotlight: Shania Ortiz

Shania Ortiz is a Senior Project Coordinator in our New York City office. Shania joined Arora in 2008 as an Administrative Assistant, where her role has grown substantially over the past 11 years with the firm. Shania was recently recognized by Arora’s Value Recognition Program for “Excellence” to celebrate her major contributions and leadership during the office’s move from Newark, NJ to midtown Manhattan.

How did you come to do what you do at Arora?

It was all by accident. At the time, my sister was an employee of Arora. She was serving in the Army National Guard and was deployed to go overseas, so she told me her current position would be open and that she thought I would be a good fit. I took a leap of faith, applied, interviewed, and here I am now, 11 years and counting with Arora. I started as an Administrative Assistant and over the years I have learned little by little about the Certification World. I still continue to learn since state/government agencies are constantly changing. I’ve also recently started the Project Coordinator position and it’s been very interesting to see a new perspective on the project side of things.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

What I enjoy most about my job are the people I get to work with every day. I have been very blessed to have great colleagues over the years, both in and out of our office. I always look forward to the Arora Annual Meetings to see everyone face to face.

What are some challenges you face day-to-day?

The multi-tasking or wearing of many hats can be overwhelming some days, but I do my best and have learned that it’s OK to raise my hand and ask for help whenever needed to get the job done.

What motivates you?

The biggest thing that motives me is my family. My husband, three children, and a pup named Molly, are what make me want to be the best at anything I do in my life.

What makes you a unique employee?

I think what makes me unique is that I strive to be meticulous and accountable in all the tasks that are given to me. I do my best to make sure that with everything I do, I give my all. I feel it’s my responsibility as an employee of Arora. A very good mentor of mine always says, “You are a self-portrait of your work.” I also feel I’m a humble person and I try to relate with people on a personal level, which has helped me grow relationships with my colleagues and work alongside them on projects.

Who are your role models?

My role models are my parents. All my life, I saw how hard they worked to give me and my sister a decent life. That is something I strive to do for my children, as well as teach them to do for theirs.

What are your career goals?

Right now, I’m venturing into the Project Coordinator/Management world since my recent title change. It’s been very interesting to see how projects are executed and to see how our wonderful designers and engineers make it all happen. It’s like watching “how the doughnuts get made” for me now. Working on the administrative side, I want to become a certified administrative professional and earn my Professional Administrative Certificate of Excellence (PACE).

What do you like to do for fun?

Baking, lots and lots of baking! I love trying new recipes and I love watching any baking competition shows. Homemade treats are heaven sent and the smiles that they give people bring so much joy to my heart.

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