
News  |  Apr 10, 2018  |  Arora

Nicholas Ryan, PMP Receives the Torch Awards 2018 Outstanding Community Member Award

  • Nick Ryan PMP
  • The Ryan Family

The Middletown, DE Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. hosted the inaugural Torch Awards on Sunday, April 8, 2018. These awards were created to honor individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to serving their local community. Arora’s Nicholas Ryan, PMP was the recipient of the 2018 Outstanding Community Member Award for his significant contributions to Delaware as the President of the Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce (MACC).

MACC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the positive economic development of Southern New Castle County. They provide support, guidance, promotion, and networking opportunities within the business community and serve as an information resource center for the Middletown, Odessa, and Townsend community. Nick has served as the Chamber’s President since January 2017.

Nick says, “I am truly grateful to our members, distinguished partners, and elected officials who continue to support our region, providing employment opportunities to the growing number of area residents. The Middletown Area Chamber of Commerce and its members have become an economic engine for growth in Delaware and I am honored to represent it.” Congratulations to Nick and all the awardees!

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