PHL On-Call GIS Support Services – ArcGIS System Architecture and Services Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
Arora has provided professional geospatial services to lead the growth and maturation of the City of Philadelphia, Division of Aviation’s (DOA) Enterprise GIS program for over a decade, which includes extension of staff and program management services for the past five years. Over this time, Arora has gained intimate knowledge of the airport’s GIS datasets, the underlying architecture that supports these datasets, as well as the workflows that are required to fulfill FAA and airport business system requirements.
The mission critical functions that an enterprise GIS program provides to an organization are evident now more than ever through emerging aviation market trends and forces. Geospatial data has evolved from its task-based map making roots to an integrated platform for visualizing data in powerful ways that improve operational processes and decision making.
Arora’s extension of staff and program management services have supported DOA’s efforts to effectively expand their Enterprise GIS program capabilities. Over the past five years, Arora has successfully supported all facets of the DOA’s Enterprise GIS program across multiple business lines and contract vehicle which include but are not limited to:
Division of Aviation Enterprise GIS On-Call Program Management Services: Through several on-call contract vehicles Arora has provided GIS strategic planning and staff augmentation services to grow and manage the day-to-day operations of DOA’s GIS program. Duties include but are not limited to data mapping & management services, stakeholder engagement, application development, business intelligence initiatives, and updating the airport’s GIS technical architecture. Examples of ArcGIS Enterprise architecture tasks include the following:
- Administered a multiuser enterprise geodatabase running on an Oracle database.
- Support Esri License Manager for concurrent ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro licenses.
- Supported integration of ArcGIS Server and enterprise geodatabase with Maximo system.
- Used CloudBuilder to deploy ArcGIS Enterprise in Azure environment comprising of:
- Geoevent Server
- Enterprise geodatabase using SQL Server
- Federated GIS Server.
- Deployed ArcGIS Enterprise on a virtualized environment comprising of:
- Geoevent Server
- Enterprise geodatabase using SQL Server
- Federated GIS Server.
- Integration with Nearmap imagery.
- Integrating feeds
- ArcGIS Online administration
- Content Management
- Named User Management
PHL FAA AGIS Compliance Existing Conditions and Airspace Analysis: Through the Global Program Partners (GPP) joint venture, Arora led the comprehensive development and delivery of PHL’s existing conditions GIS datasets for approval by the FAA’s AGIS program. To support the development of these features, this project also included a full airspace analysis, formal survey of PHL’s safety critical data, and the collection new aeronautical data imagery.
PHL Maximo Implementation: As a subconsultant to the project team, Arora has served as the Asset Data and GIS Integration Lead responsible for identifying, converting, and migrating asset information, as well as tagging assets for upload into PHL’s Enterprise Asset Management system. Arora also led the successful implementation of a GIS- Maximo integration that provides Maximo end users with the ability to visualize assets on mobile devices. We’ve also leveraged our extensive understanding of DOA’s Maximo program to support the Asset Data Change Management pilot project that is gaining traction and proving to be successful across a large cross section of the organization.
GIS Services under these contracts included:
- Developing, designing (schema), and maintaining of geodatabases
- Collecting non-survey grade data, such as asset locations and attributes
- Developing and designing custom maps and graphics as needed for presentations -visualizations, business agreements or legal exhibits
- Checking and correcting geometry, topological integrity, and attribute quality
- Enhancing and improving addressing/naming/referencing of properties, buildings, rooms, and assets in GIS
- Developing improvements in existing data maintenance/QA workflows and associated plans
- Developing geoprocessing models and ETL scripts-
- Developing and implementing strategies and processes to integrate geospatial data with other DOA airport systems such as Maximo, PropWorks, SharePoint, EBuilder, APMS, etc
- Supporting GIS data exchanges with FAA’s Airport GIS, including converting DOA GIS data formats to FAA schemas and assisting with submission
- Customizing code, scripts, applications and/or tools created to interface with exiting ESRI software licensed and maintained by the City of Philadelphia
- Developing and implementing customized GIS tools such as Story Maps, Collector and Survey 123 tools
- Providing proper access control to GIS datasets that have been designated Sensitive Security information (SSI)
- Administration and support of