PHL Rehabilitation of Runway 9L-27R
Arora prepared contract documents for all professional electrical engineering tasks associated with the pavement rehabilitation of Runway 9L-27R. The typical 3”-5” mill and overlay of the 9,500 feet long by 150 feet wide runway impacted several existing runway airfield systems. The modified airfield systems included the existing approach lighting, signage, airfield lighting, and pavement surface sensor system for both the runway and the associated taxiway connectors.
The existing centerline system and conduit was replaced with new LED centerline lighting and associated underground distribution. Lighting for the connector taxiway (centerline, guard lighting) was also designed to be LED-type to the runway hold line of each taxiway connector. With the exception of the runway high intensity edge lighting, all runway lighting and signage within the Runway 9L-27R safety area is designed to be LED-type. Additional design elements included runway status light infrastructure, field lighting vault revisions, and relocation of existing utilities.
The project included innovative concepts which may become industry trends. Aside from the LED lighting, the project also featured colored series lighting cable which is being used for light fixtures within the runway environment based on a color scheme incorporated within the contract documents. The installation will enable quick circuit identification by maintenance allowing for the performance of repair work within a shorter timeframe.
Design phase services were completed on time and within budget. Contract documents included drawings, specifications, cost benefit analysis, engineering calculations, and an estimate of probable construction costs. Arora also provided construction administration services to the Division of Aviation including shop drawing review, field investigations, and responses to requests for information.