PHL Terminal D/E Checked Baggage Inspection System
Arora Systems Group, LLC (ASG) has been delivering specialized operational support for the Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) since 2007, which included assistance with the City of Philadelphia, Division of Aviation Program Management team, for the testing, startup, repairs, and TSA ISAT Testing of the Terminal D and E Check Baggage Inspection System (CBIS).
Baggage Handling System (BHS) Support
ASG helped bring the previously dormant and uncompleted Terminal D/E CBIS and control room to fruition by providing numerous levels of support to the various stakeholders. This culminated in ISAT testing with the TSA to clear and open the Terminal D and E Baggage Handling System areas. ASG’s scope included Control Room Operator support for System Testing, trouble shooting and corrective repairs, Owner’s Functional and Load Testing, pre-TRR and TRR, performing an 800 bag rate test, Delta Training, and formal ISAT Testing. ASG offered off-hours staffing for the Alliant upgrade to the Terminal D/E BHS control room workstations. This included setting up remote terminals and assisting with testing to enhance report processing capabilities, ensuring the upgrades were implemented efficiently and with minimal disruption to operations.
The scope of work also included support to correct issues discovered during owner’s inspections like BHS roll-up doors not opening or closing properly, improper transfer of normal to emergency power during loss of power to a motor control panel, etc. to assist with BHS operation, as needed with Alliant. As part of this process, all ASG Control Room Operator Staff received training and certification on the operations of the systems in addition to internally hiring and training a new team to assume responsibility for the control room operations following testing.