University of Pennsylvania Ryan Veterinary Hospital
Arora Engineers (Arora) was selected by the University of Pennsylvania, Division of Facilities Services, Department of Design & Construction to provide professional engineering services for a fire code review of the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital’s first-floor oxygen storage room and three existing non-interconnected dry standpipes.
Arora provided a review of applicable Fire Codes to determine the following:
- Whether the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital’s first-floor oxygen storage room was required to be sprinklered, based upon related work completed under a separate project associated with the removal of the exterior oxygen storage tank and the installation of a new oxygen generator within the basement of the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital.
Whether the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital’s current three non-interconnected dry standpipes were compliant with the Philadelphia Building, Fire Code and Standpipe Ordnances. - Arora conducted an onsite survey to identify areas of concern relating to automatic suppression requirements for the existing first floor oxygen storage room automatic suppression and the potential requirement for interconnecting three existing non-interconnected dry standpipe risers. The culmination of findings from the onsite survey was provided in a written Assessment Report issued to the University of Pennsylvania.
Arora’s Assessment Report included code-related findings and recommendations:
Oxygen Storage Room:
Arora determined that the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital would benefit from sprinkler installation within the oxygen storage room, based on current code and current requirements set forth by The University of Pennsylvania to provide sprinklers in renovated areas where sprinklers were not previously installed.
Recommendations: To install a one and one quarter inch sprinkler supply branch line, a vertical drum drip to capture condensation prior to penetrating the wall between the loading dock and the oxygen storage room, and two to three upright, quick-response, ordinary hazard sprinkler heads, spaced to cover the entire Oxygen Storage Room.
The adjacent loading dock dry sprinkler system was determined to be the most appropriate system to extend into the oxygen storage room, based upon proximity, functionality and prudent economics.
Three (3) Individual Dry Standpipes:
Arora reviewed the Current and Existing Philadelphia Building Codes, Philadelphia Standpipe Ordinances and Standpipe recommendations and determinations produced by the City of Philadelphia Fire Code Unit’s Board of Safety & Fire Protection.
Upon the completion of its assessment, Arora determined due to the age, height and use-group of the Ryan Veterinarian Hospital, the existing individual dry standpipes are compliant as installed, with the following required enhancements provided.
The installation of additional exterior weather resistant signage for each Standpipe, defining its specific service location (stair tower #) and that it is a singular (non-interconnected) standpipe.
The installation of additional exterior weather resistant FDC signage defining the pathway to and the locations of each of the remaining standpipes.